Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Aspenfox - 99 Mining [RuneScape]

=- -= READ DESCRIPTION:) I finally got 99 mining on Runescape! : D mine was the first 99 I ever wanted ... and one that I have more than one of them wanted (along with Runecrafting, but Runecrafting has been a target recently) ... I remember mining for my money when I was new RuneScape, I would like my silver and gold ore mining site near Al-Kharid ... I did not know the best ways to gp. : 3 I do not remember even able to afford a rune pick, but a friend to mean .. and one day I was watching TV while I was in mining, so I was not exactly paying attention to what I'm doing on RuneScape ... The next thing I knew my head broken pick, flew over the mining area and landed somewhere else D: ... by the time I realized that it had stopped ... somebody else had chosen. Gf me ... Bye-bye Rune pickaxe. It took me ages to finally own my pimples Rune (I was a newb lolol) ... I was very small, and finally level 60 when I reached level 60 are able to enterThe Mining Guild (of which I feel at the moment lmao freakin awesome: D). Then I had 60 mining, however, I started to fish and cut wood for my money and went a few years (yes, years ...), without extraction of serious training. Only a few months ago I decided to take my goal of 99 new mines ... and now I have finally reached. Random facts ~ n '~-I promoted st00f granite in the desert about 67 to level 80 to level at level 80 I went to my cave of gold rock since I live about 40-50m 99...

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