Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ring of Power - Allotment 27 of 30

"Truth can be found here ".... another disturbing chapter in this classic documentary .. worth a watch ... Spread the truth before it's too late ... classic .. This is one of my favorite compilations / conspiracy movies / docs is. I take no credit for any of it. I want to help spread the truth, I feel like a split in the time I did my part and try to wake our people. Only a part of many to come. Our problems right now in the world seem really ready to take care of you the whole truth. Once yousee the whole picture your mind will not allow you to believe they are not. You begin to understand things .. The symbolism of the world, movies, pictures, etc. I went through this process of "awakening" that I now feel much more aware of things .. record oil prices and banks only give more serious tests, the overall picture. If you havent woken up yet, do your homework! Explore other historical facts may lead to places that would not go, but all of themat least needed to give a nod. What in the world are we here? The masses need to look around and see what has become the world!

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